Helping People To Communicate

Frequency Asked Questions

Are you a native speaker ?

What is your teaching experience? Yes, I am a native speaker. I have taught English as a Foreign Language for over 18 years, both internationally and nationally. I have completed a number of teaching training qualification

What is your teaching approach? (What kind of material do you use? Do I need to get books?)

No. I prefer to use a variety of materials from different sources. This gives me the opportunity to focus on the learner’s individual needs and ability.

Skype apprehension.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “This looks interesting but I feel uncomfortable about learning English via Skype/online.”

It is common for those not used to Skype or online communication to feel this way. There are options on Skype which allow the users to simply listen to one another. Skype is a very convenient method of learning and practising English at a time that suits you.